The Community Remedy

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In his Police and Crime Plan, the Police and Crime Commissioner made a commitment to reduce offending and develop services that tackle the root causes of offending and, with partners, make early interventions to prevent offending. 

The Community Remedy was introduced by the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act in October 2014. Its purpose is to provide victims with a say in the way offenders are dealt with when they commit low level and minor crimes or anti-social behaviour (ASB). 

The Community Remedy document lists a variety of actions that an offender can be asked to undertake, either to make amends for their offence or help address the cause of their behaviour.

Section 101 of the Act places a duty on Police and Crime Commissioner’s to prepare and publish a Community Remedy document for its area following consultation. The current Community Remedy document was endorsed on 20th October 2014 following a consultation exercise. It is now considered an appropriate time for the Commissioner to review the Community Remedy document. 

This consultation process will enable the Police and Crime Commissioner to meaningfully consult with the public about the options available as part of the Community Remedy, seek to understand the best way to raise awareness and understanding of Out of Court Disposals more widely and assist Hampshire Constabulary to respond effectively and efficiently, thus building public confidence. 

Links to the survey and further information can be found below:

Please take a few moments to complete the survey and forward this email/share the survey link as widely as possible. 

The survey is expected to run until the end of November 2018 and there is an opportunity for further involvement through a stakeholder engagement event and community focus groups early next year.

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